Wednesday, February 29, 2012

South America

South America is the fourth largest continent. It contains the biggest rainforest, driest desert, and highest waterfall. It is also home to a vast range of plants and animals. and to The 382 million people. The Amazon is the world's second longest river and the largest by volume. It pours so much a drinkable watetwater into the Anlantic that can be drawn out of the ocean more than a kilometer form the, river mouth. About six per cent of the total world population live in South America. Brazil is the largest country and has the biggest population, while Colombia and Ecuadaor are the most densely populated countries.

The Amazon River: Below

Coolest game in i-phone

My coolest game in i-phone is cut the rope game. All my favorite is that we could go to the greeting cards, create our own greeting cards, that's quite of fun! But the funnest thing is, we got to choose the pictures from the library/in the album, and choose any pictures whatever you want, or if the picture is got deleted or you have not take it yet, go to camera and take a picture. And when you choose the picture, you'll have some choices to choose which one you want. Most of the time, I will chose the frog picture every time. These frogs are quite of adorable and chubby. My friend create me into a Santa Claus that have a big thing on the chin, I don't know how to call that. whatever.

The website

Second favorite game in i-phone

My second favorite game in i-phone is oven break. This game I play with my friend, and each level is so hard to pass each time! When my friend saw this game, she tried it and is so fun for her, and I come to join her. Before that I was bored with this game, and once I joint my friend, it is so fun! This game use to be my favorite game in i-phone, but now is my second favorite game, because it's bored for me, and I started to play the Burger Queen world! It's so fun in that game(oven break) it is like a ginger bread running away from the giant. The main character is the gingerbread! In the level one, it just took one round to pass the level and finish it! In that level (level 1) the ginger bread is so cute! But in the other levels, that ginger bread starting to have an angry eyes, and a smiling face. Whenever my friend saw my mom's i-phone, she always ask me to ask my mom that if I can play the i-phone. Then she start to play her favorite game until she's boring.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Solar System

The solar system is our local area of space. It contains the Sun, eight planets, and more than 100 moons, as well as countless comets and asteroids. At it's center is the sun, our nearest star, The sun's gravity keeps everything else trapped in it's orbit. The red line to the right shows the distance of each planet from the sun in millions of kilometers. Mercury is the closest and Neptune is furthest away. Earth is about 150 million kilometers from the sun. All the planets and asteroids go around the Sun in near-circular orbits in the same direction.

I'm playing piano...

This is I'm playing piano at my house. the song that I play is menuet. this song is published by J.S Bach in 1685-1750. the temple is moderato. Johann Sebastian Bach, the greatest of all the masters of music, came of a musical family whose ancestors for nearly 200 years had been noted among the townspeopleof Eisenach, Germany. The story is told that his great grandfather , a very jovial miller, used to sit in the door of his mill and sing and play his zither while the mill-wheel went 'round and round grinding the grain. This song is wonderful!!!

Elfel Tower

This topic is about the Elfel Tower. At there, it is so beautiful! The tower stands 324 meters (1,063 feet) tall, about the same height as an 81 storey building. During it's construction, the Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in the New York City was built in 1930. This topic is such a great topic. We could know some informations! BYE!

Favorite place to chat with

Hello! My name is Jarina, and I'm from Thailand. Today I'm talking to you about ' the favorite place to chat with' The first thing, is because when I go to there, I could type easily and just send it without paying money... and that place is.. LINE!!! We also could add some pictures there to let people see or believe that what did your friend had did in the mean time. This place is my favorite place, we also could add stickers and emoji in there. MY FAVORITE PLACE TO CHAT WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite game in nintendo ds

Hello! My name is Jarina, and I'm from Thailand. Today I'm going to talk to you about 'My favorite game in nintendo ds' My favorite games is... The mario kart. This was my favorite game, because when I play it, it was fun to do, because it is a racing car! At that moment, when I just play the first time, I was in the last number ( Number 8) but once I play for about two or three times, I'm starting to get the first number ( Number 1) and I was glad to see me that I'm in the first place!! Bye!

Favorite game in i phone

My favorite game in the i-phone is Burger Queen World. You could just call BQ World for this game's short name. I really like this game, because once I play the first time, it is not quite fun for me, but once I play it for the second time, it is really fun until I play it the whole day long and forget to do my homework! It is also my favorite! When my mom comes back, the first of all, I will ask my mom to give me i-phone and play until I got bored and give it back to my mom, or my mom ask me to stop playing with it and return to her back. This much, so bye bye!!

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

Today I 'm going to talk to you about 'My favorite Ice Cream Flavor' My favorite ice cream flavor is.... Cookie and cream flavor. This flavor, I always try it every time when I go to any ice cream shop like Haagen Dazs. My favorite taste, because It might blended with some cookies and ice cream, so I just trying to thinking that why this flavor is my favorite, because of this! But if I see the flavor like caramel cookie and cream flavor, I will order that, bye bye!!!

Stitch it!!!

Today I would like to talk to you about ' Stitch it!! ' The reason why that I want to say to you about this one because... the first thing, if I know how to stitch those stuff, I could sell it and my family is rich! But however, I need to know how to stitch first, if I don't know how to stitch and stitch it messy, hope for sure that NOBODY will buy it. The second thing... these stitching stuff will be use full if you stitch the bags, because we could put some thing in there like wallet...etc!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Human Body

Today I would like to talk to you about The Human Body. There are some reasons why that I talk this to you, because today I read the book and it makes me curious and excited! If I know much about the human body, I might be a doctor and get lot's of money! This human body is in my body, and I love this topic! I never throw away my best human body, because it stays with me when I was born! This topic also gives me some acknowledges... Bye!!


Today I would like to talk to you about Knitting, because knitting is the most excited thing in my life that I never do it! If I know how to knit these stuff, I will make it for sell, and 10 for my family. If I sell it, it's a petty thing!!! My poor knitting stuff! When we sell it, we will earn some money! Even though it's small, but you could cause it expensive! But unless you will get the money when people buy it! If will no get the money! Hope knitting is fun for me once I try it... Bye Bye all you guys!!!


I would like to tell you why that I want to cook foods by myself, because when I wake up late, I didn't got to choose any food that I want to eat! For example: I want to eat the cereals, but I woke up late, so I need to eat the tom-yum again! Once I wake up late, I could cook any food what ever I want! But the thing is I could only know how to make toasted breads, so I need to know about this is........ I need to learn how to cook the foods first, if I don't learn, then every morning I need to eat the same food again! Every morning! Not just 1 day! Bye Bye!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to swim properly

Hi!!! My name is Jarina, and I am from Thailand!! Today I'm talking to you about 'how to swim properly' This sounds like funnyto you, but thanks for reading!!! The reason why I want to know how to swim properly, because in the swimming class, I swim super slow like a turtle is crawling on the ground. So I try to do my best, but however, I can't!!! I'm the worst at swimming! So I want to practice with somebody to improve my swimming skills, bye!!!

How to wake up early in the morning

Hi!! My name is Jarina, and I am from Thailand!! Today, I am going to talk to you about 'how to wake up early in the morning' This is quite a silly topic today, but however thanks for reading!!! The reason why that I want to know how to wake up early, because on the morning I always wake up late, so I go to school late!! Whenever my mom or my aunt wake me, I always sleep in the toilet about 5 mins, after that, I'm in a rush to do the other stuff that I need to do!!! Bye!!

How to be an astronaut

hi!!!my name is Jarina, and I am from Thailand!! Today I am talking to you about ' How to be an astronaut' Some reasons that I want to be this, because when I go to the space, the newsreporter will report the good news, and the government will give the money, also the world population!! I got a lot of money!!! My family is rich!! I mean super rich! If this happens angain, I will donate these money to the poor people and children who got lost from their parents! bye!!!

The walking box

Hi!!! My name is Jarina, and I am from Thailand!!! Guess what will I talk to you about today.. ' A walking box there are lot's of reasons why I want to talk about this, because when one of my friends go inside the box, my other friends and I play with my aunt that this walking box it could walk automatically!! That was so interesting!!! I always try to find a box to play this game that 'Guess who is inside the box?' This is the funnest game that I ever played, but not in my life! Bye Bye!

How to make donuts

Hi!!! My name is Jarina, and i am from Thailand!!! Today I am going to talk to you about 'How to make donuts' There are lot's of reasons why I want to know how to make donuts. It makes me exciting and curious!!! If i make it delicious, I will make a lot and sell it!! Also I will give to someone for the Valentines gift!!! Hope it will be delicious!! These donuts are useful for celebrating parties! It will have a super great taste when they taste it!! And they will say...DELICIOUS!!!

Nintendo DS

Hi! My name is Jarina, and I am from Thailand!!! Today I'm talking to you about 'Why I want the nintendo ds' There are reasons why that I want the nintendo ds. There's a good news that I will get the nintendo ds for free!!! My mom's friend told me that if I got the first top and beat all my classmates, I will get this toy for free!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! WOW!!! This toy is free!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But super sad that I didn't get it, because I only got 29/35! It's ok! Bye Bye!